Sleep is a vital tool the body uses daily to repair and maintain itself inside and out. During sleep, the body clears out ‘debris’ accumulated during the day repairing organs, tissues, and cells and shoring up an immune defense in preparation for the next day.. The brain takes this time to catalog memories and process emotions. Injuries gathered during the days’ adventure are tended to with protective scabs and scar tissue. Without sleep; mental function, emotional well-being, physical health and safety are at risk.
Mental alertness during the day decreases with sleep deprivation, increasing the incidence of vehicular accidents. Bodily injury in children, teens and adults also increases during times of sleep deprivation as mental clarity declines. While missing a night or two of sleep may lead to a groggy or grouchy day, compounded over time lack of sleep can lead to depression and anxiety.
For those who struggle to breathe well during the day, it can also be a challenge at night. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reports the rising prevalence of sleep apnea, characterized as frequent shallow breath or involuntary start and stop of breath during the night, gasping of heavy snoring. The cumulative effects of poor sleep are linked to serious medical conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.
Snoring is also linked to respiratory inflammation due to asthma, allergies or seasonal ailments such as the common cold or flu. Dry salt therapy has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties supporting the body’s natural daily repair cycles. Alleviating some of the symptoms of respiratory inflammation and the discomfort of breathing during the night can indirectly improve sleep quality.
The direct effects of dry salt therapy have not been scientifically linked, however, people who use dry salt therapy as a supplemental treatment for their breathing conditions reported increased sleep quality.
It is important to note that Salt Therapy is a natural supplemental way to help alleviate symptoms but does not cure any condition or disease.