Sinusitis is when there is swelling or inflammation of the tissue lining in the sinuses. When the air filled spaces in the sides of the nose, eyes and forehead are blocked and filled by mucus they can become infected by the germs and bacteria trapped in the sinuses.
Sinusitis can be classified in several ways including acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, infected sinusitis, and noninfectious sinusitis. Symptoms include sinus headaches, a sore throat, coughing, facial pain or pressure, a runny or stuffy nose and mucus dripping down the throat.
Although Acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis have similar symptoms, they are different in that Acute sinusitis is a temporary infection often caused by a cold, while chronic sinusitis lasts for at least three months or longer, despite medication and treatment.
Chronic sinusitis is often brought on by growth in nasal polyps or swelling in the linings of the sinuses. Mucus and discharge from the nose is often thick and discolored and also drains down the back of the throat, causing difficulty in breathing and a reduced sense of smell and taste, among other symptoms that are associated with Acute sinusitis.
Halotherapy, more commonly known as Salt therapy, helps those diagnosed with sinusitis in many ways. Salt contains anti-inflammatory and anit-bacterial properties reducing the sensitivity of the immune system, making it harder for germs and bacteria to dwell in the sinuses. This can greatly reduce allergic symptoms and decrease chances of one to catch a cold or the flu or any flu-like sicknesses. As inhaling dry salt particles also thins the mucus in the air ways, it can cause much-needed relief to those who are in discomfort from sinus pain.
It is recommended to take salt therapy sessions not only when you have been diagnosed with a cold or sinusitis, but when you are in good health so as to prevent these types of infections. For those who desire to take preventive measures for sickness, Sea Salt Therapy recommends sessions 1-2 times a month. For those who suffer from sinus infections frequently, the recommendation would be to engage in salt therapy at least once a week.
It is important to note that Salt Therapy is a natural supplemental way to help alleviate symptoms but does not cure any condition or disease.