Migun Physiotherapy Table Massage

The Migun Physiotherapy Table is an FDA-registered class II medical device that features
deep infrared heat, massage therapy, and acupressure with patented jade massage head rollers.
It is a non-invasive treatment that applies innovative modern technology and science-based holistic
therapy while using principles based on chiropractic, acupressure, massage, and far-infrared heat therapy.

The table is designed to treat different kinds of pain, that have resulted from both
acute and chronic conditions. Migun therapy sessions focus on improvement, restoration,
maintenance, and maximization of motion, functional strength, and overall well-being
by addressing underlying issues in the nervous system.

Those treatments are based on principles of chiropractic, acupressure, massage, and far-infrared heat
therapy. Migun is a state of an art whole-body therapy that effectively treats many chronic medical
health issues, as well as both acute and chronic pain.

Infrared Heat & Jade Rollers

The Migun Physiotherapy table features two external jade heating projectors. The jade projectors do
not massage, but rather, focus on emitting far-infrared heat. The larger unit is designed to rest on the
stomach in order to localize heat that is beneficial to the digestive system. Alternatively, the large
projector can also be placed on the chest to help loosen congestion and to address respiratory issues.
Lastly, the large projector can also be placed on the lower back or hamstrings when laying on your
stomach during the abdominal massage mode.

The smaller jade projector is designed for smaller areas of the body, such as the arms,
wrists, ankles, elbow, and neck. Placing the smaller roller in these areas address neck pain, carpal
tunnel issues, tennis elbow, and sprains caused by accidents or sports injuries.


Migun physiotherapy treats the following conditions and problem areas:

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Arthritis/Osteoarthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Asthma Back & Lower Back Pain
  • Blood Pressure/Cholesterol/Type 2 Diabetes Bulging Disc
  • Chemotherapy Pain Relief
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Circulation
  • Digestion Dysautonomia
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gum Disease
  • Headaches
  • Knee Pain/Leg Pain/Arm Pain/Carpal Tunnel
  • Menstrual Pain/Reproductive Issues
  • Neck Pain/Text Neck Neuropathy
  • Paraspinal muscles
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Prostate issues
  • Sciatica Shoulder Pain
  • Stimulates Metabolism
  • Whiplash


Consult with your physician before using Migun therapy if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Phlebitis/blood clots
  • Fused discs
  • Implanted spinal/scoliosis rods
  • Spinal hardware/implants that react to heat or cannot tolerate pressure from massage
  • Traumatic injuries that have not healed
  • Mothers who are expecting
  • High Fever
  • Artificial organs or skeletons
  • Perception disorder
  • Surgery within the past six months
  • Photoallergic dermatitis
  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Pacemaker, ICD
  • Reactive skin disorders such as prickly heat rash
  • Fractures or suspected fractures
  • Malignant tumors or currently receiving cancer treatment
  • Severe acute disease
  • Conditions that may be adversely affected by massage, pressure, heat, or increased circulation


We have been serving the Bay Area community for 10+ years. Read about the
benefits of Sea Salt therapy straight fom our clients!

“I have had problems with my left shoulder for several months. After five visits the pain has subsided, I have more mobility and it doesn’t wake me up at night. I have also lost 5 lbs.”

Lauren J.

I have used the Migun Thermal Massage Table for approximately one year in my clinic. The Migun Therapy Table replaced as an intersegmental traction unit (Spinalator). The Migun Table has substantially reduced pain, muscle spasm, inflammation and has increased range of motion in the spinal column. Patients have commented on improved sleep and increased stamina. Every chiropractor should have the Migun Therapy Table in their office to provide an adjunct to the adjustment.

Carl E B., D. C.

“I just had an annual health evaluation. During the process, I had my blood taken to test my lipid profile. My overall total cholesterol which was dangerously high, dropped 59 points. My ratio dropped 30%. I have also noticed experiencing deeper sleep and more rest for fewer hours spent in bed. Therefore, I’m more productive, active all day long. I would highly recommend this bed to anyone!

P.S. I only used the therapy for two months before my health assessment. I can only imagine how my results will be next time!”

Paul B

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